> Blocks 100% of spam but never any legitimate messages—unlike annoying spam filters!
> Gives you a powerful new way to communicate that unleashes the full power of the Net
> Makes Internet dating free & creates new ways to meet offline, too!
> Enables you to leave your contact info anywhere without worrying about spammers or moderators
> Eliminates the hassle of keeping contacts informed of your current e-mail address
> Saves time and safeguards your privacy
> Helps you become more healthy, happy, intelligent, creative, and successful—yes, really! Here's how
Making intro cards the easy way

Here is an easy, intuitive way to make your own MySpamSponge intro cards:

1. Download the front and back of the blank intro card as a bitmap (.bmp) image.

Here is a thumbnail image of the card front:

Blank intro card front - SMALL

Here is a link to the high-resolution version of the card front that you will download by RIGHT clicking the link, and selecting SAVE TARGET AS (in Internet Explorer) or SAVE LINK AS (in Firefox):

Here is a thumbnail image of the card back:

Blank intro card back - SMALL

Here is a link to the high-resolution version of the card back that you will download by RIGHT clicking the link, and selecting SAVE TARGET AS (in Internet Explorer) or SAVE LINK AS (in Firefox):

2. Import those images into some photo editing program (if you don't have one, see this page for free ones and basic instructions on how to use them) and paste your photo in the spot that says, "Paste your photo here" and put your handle in the blank spot between "by entering my" and "handle (contact code)." That will be the front of your card; the back requires no modification.

3. Print the cards on blank business card stock (available at all office supply stores, Wal-Mart, and countless others) or even ordinary paper, cutting it to the size of a business card.
